Faith Formation, Ministries, & Groups for Adults
Faith Formation for Adults
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Oratory Groups
Secular Oratory
Secular Oratory is for adult men (18+) and shares in the spirituality and work of the Red Bank Oratory. Meetings are every Monday at 7pm, beginning in the entrance area of the Church. Please contact for more information.
Women of Vallicella
Women of Vallicella is for adult women (18+) and shares in the spirituality and work of the Red Bank Oratory. Meetings are every Monday at 7pm, beginning in the Church. Please contact Deborah Gaudino at for more information.
Friends of St. Philip Neri
Friends of St. Philip Neri is for men and women 60+ and shares in the spirituality and work of the Red Bank Oratory. Please contact Br. Don at or 732-747-0813 ext. 104 for more information.
Some of our activities include:
Reading the Lives of the Saints - St. Philip Neri used to say that we should read the works of authors whose names begin with the letter 'S', like Saint Augustine, Saint Bernard, and the other saints. Meetings are on Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:30am.
Parish Ministries
Avanti! Evangelists of St. Francis de Sales
Red Bank is your India...
Join a group that is dedicated to going out to spread the faith. There will be many ways to take part and share in these efforts. Every Catholic is called to be an Evangelist, to go out and share the love of Jesus Christ with others and bring them into His family, the Holy Catholic Church.
This bilingual group led by the Priests and Brothers of the Oratory will meet monthly includes training on evangelization and evangelization teams with different levels of involvement suited to your availability and abilities.
For more information, please call the office at 732-747-0813 ext. 101.
St. Crispin Society
The Saint Crispin Society has been serving members of our community for years through our food panty, used clothing shop, and direct financial assistance. Visit the Saint Crispin Page to learn more.
Café Ministry
"Beloved" Marriage Enrichment
"Beloved" Marriage Enrichment is a marriage formation and encouragement group for Catholic married couples. Regular events include talks and programs on the meaning of the Sacrament of Marriage and living as a Catholic couple, potluck dinners, social gatherings, prayer as a couple in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
The next meetings are October 13, November 10, December 8, January 12, February 9, March 8, April 12, May 10, from 6 to 9pm in St. Crispin House.
For more information about "Beloved" Marriage Enrichment at St. Anthony’s, please contact Robert and Maria Dolan at
Pastoral Familiar
La Pastoral Familiar es una de las formas en que la Iglesia acompaña y guía a las parejas en su camino de desarrollo y crecimiento para que puedan acercarse a la vida matrimonial según el plan de Dios.
Acompañamos a las parejas casadas en sus años de vida matrimonial en tiempos de alegría y tiempos de crisis.
Ayudamos a los padres en la educación de sus hijos en los valores cristianos y en el crecimiento de la fe, así como en la formación humana y catequista.
Para obtener más información sobre Pastoral Familiar en San Antonio, comuníquense con Carlos Fonseca (
Caminando Hacia el Señor
Caminando Juntos Hacia el Señor, nuestro grupo en español para parejas que viven en una unión libre o que están casadas por lo civil. Para obtener más información, comuníquense con Carlos Fonseca (
Lazarus Ministry
Accompanying families through the loss of a loved one.
The Lazarus Ministry helps the family to plan the funeral of their loved one.
For more information, please contact the office at 732-747-0813 ext. 101.
Morning's Hope (Bereavement)
Morning's Hope walks with those grieving the loss of a loved one through sharing, friendship, and reflection upon the Lord's consolation and promise of Heaven.
Our small group sessions include readings, reflection, sharing and journaling.
Our next session begins meeting on Mondays from 10:30 to 11:30am for five weeks, beginning on October 28 and finishing November 25. We meet in the cafe of the church.
To sign up, please contact Br. Donald, C.O., at or 732-747-0813 ext. 104
Parish Groups
The Ramblers: Hiking Group
This is once-a-month hiking group for those 14 and older (those under 14 need a parent or guardian with them).
There will be a hike once a month, rain, snow, or shine. The only thing that will stop us is lightning or a blizzard.
"The Breakfast Club" Young Adult Group
Morning breakfast club on Saturday mornings once a month for those 18 to 39.
Brief talk followed by a walk through Downtown Red Bank to go for breakfast together and a discussion.
If you are interested in this group, please leave a message for Father Alberto at the parish office, 732-747-0813 ext. 109
St. Anthony's Society
St. Anthony’s Society is for adult men (18+) and is dedicated to the preservation of our Italian cultural heritage at the parish and the continued handing on of our Faith. Please contact Tom Ignoscia at if you are interested in joining the St. Anthony’s Society and in order to receive more information about the meetings and events of St. Anthony's Society.
Mother Cabrini Society
Mother Cabrini Society is for adult women (18+) and is dedicated to the preservation of our Italian cultural heritage at the parish, evangelization, and the care of immigrants after the example of Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini. Please contact Jane Gagliano at if you are interested in joining the Mother Cabrini Society and in order to receive more information about the meetings and events.
John XXIII is an international lay movement of the Catholic Church inspired by St. John XXIII's call to evangelize, especially those who are far from the Church and the marginalized of society. Their spirituality of service to the Church and the world is marked by Love, Surrender and Sacrifice and their motto is, "With Christ everything; without Christ nothing." For more information about John XXIII at St. Anthony's, please call the parish office.
Cursillo is primarily a lay movement of the Catholic Church and an instrument of renewal by which Christianity can permeate, live and grow in today’s world. It proposes no new type of spirituality but a method through which one’s spirituality can be strengthened, lived and shared in all areas of one’s environment. For more information about Cursillo at St. Anthony’s, please contact Cristoforo Codallos at