About Us

A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to St. Anthony's!

You will notice on our homepage that it says, "Go make disciples!" This is our church's mission statement. In fact this mission, given to the disciples by the Lord Jesus, is the mission of the entire Catholic Church.

Undertaking this command of Jesus is twofold. First, it means that our own hearts have been transformed by His mercy and love because how could we offer to others what we have not received ourselves? This is only possible by first opening to Him who stands knocking at the door of our hearts. In time, this encounter grows and deepens through the great treasures He has given us through His Holy Church. Celebrating these gifts with a spirit of reverence, love and awe allows a space for the Holy Spirit to set our hearts on fire with Faith, Hope and Charity.

Then, once receiving, how could we keep the flame of his love all to ourselves? This fire which purifies, warms and enlightens, is meant to be spread and to grow brighter until the whole world knows Him and is set ablaze with His goodness and love. And so, we set out with hearts on fire, in our own little way, to bring the light of Christ into the world. Ultimately, it is not our work but, by His grace, we are made participants with Him in the salvation of our neighbor. What greater joy could there be than this?

So then, brothers and sister, rooted in the richness of our Catholic Faith, we set out together to transform the world one person at a time. Come and let us set out together.

With much love and affection,

Fr. Alberto, C.O.